It feels grate to be right on track with posting my photos now.
We can feel how it is getting colder at the workshop (just over the hill from the house) there was a bit of a frost, but not yet at the house, that can’t be far off. So we can feel winter is coming. Mum and Ms Mar planted some garlic on the weekend. We will also plant some potatoes and hope that they grow. Currently we are working on making a new garden, so my mum has a bigger one. You know in case of the world ending and we need to be self sustainable… Not a bad idea, just I would miss having spas.
I am building a wood chopping thing to make cutting the wood smaller for the coal range, and it makes it easer for anyone to cut fire wood in general. The grass is still really wet from the due so that will be my mission for the day.
I still can’t believe that I have really gotten caught up with the photos, editing and posting them. It was a bit daunting to start out with, but it defiantly feels grate. Now I still need to put together a small post of our travels to NZ, We have nearly been here for 3 months now. Time flies.