Fridays is fix it day over at I
♥ Faces. How it works, they give you a photo this week caming from
Natalie P, you then take the Original Photo and eidit it the way you like it. Now I am new to eiditing and am using photoshop 6 and also a free easy eidting program called Shutterfly studio. Since I am still playing around and getting to know the photoshop I don't realy remember what I do to get to the end. I think i shoudl start writing down steep by steep what I do so some nice people can tell me how to get there easer or faster.
Here is her oranonal photo of her littel girl.
My Eidet #1
My Eidet #2
Not that they look too deffernt, but there are a few littel things. I tryed to get more borwn out of her eyes on the second one. All in all I don't think they are too bad. Thanks to all the other people over at I ♥ Faces, for giving me ideas and making it easer for me to eidet my photos. I am realy injoying this sight and hoping to lurn alot more. Go to www.iheartfaces.com to cheek out all the entries.
The second one is my fav....more natural and it's very pretty!
second one is best too. nice editing work!
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Chears Mrs Mar